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There are many beautiful trails around the coast of Encinitas and Solana Beach, that people don’t know exist. Ingrid has taken the time to discover many that are hidden and hard to find.


I have lived here for many years, yet never discovered the gorgeous and unique terrain of  “Little Annies” trail, or Manchester Canyon, with beautiful view over mountains and the ocean. Both these trails are great for a little lunch or afternoon break. Thank you Ingrid for showing me these trails - I may have otherwise never found!

— Terri


I have always secretly wanted to know how to do a handstand. Ingrid told me that there are classes that teach you how to do handstands. Who would have guessed that?  So, she took me by the hand to a class in Oceanside at Vital gym. I had so much fun. The instructors , two of them, where so supportive, and encouraging. I realized it was easier than I had made it out to, and with a few tweaks on my form, I was up in a handstand.  This simple little class, turned out lifetransforming for me. I wonder how many other people are secretly wanting to do handstands too?

— George

When I heard about  Yoga in silks, basically in looping curtains, like Circe de Soleil, I thought I could never do it. When I inquired about locations for this, Ingrid knew exactly where to go, when the classes were with more basic instructors, and  told me I could just watch. 


Once on location, a rooftop garden with 360 degree views of the ocean and mountains, I was so inspired I couldn’t help but want to try it. I couldn’t do everything in the class, but it was a unique experience and I felt like I had pushed myself to a new height. It felt very freeing and nurturing to be flowing in the silks and to be cradled like in a hammock at the end “savasana”. Having a healthy vegan lunch next door on the rooftop was an added bonus. Thank you for this wonderful, most enjoyable outing. 

— Patti

Going on vacation with Exercise physiologist Ingrid, is experience in itself. Our first day at Burgenstock, she scouted out all the fitness experiences that were unique to this place, that I may not  have otherwise known. She made a schedule so it wouldn’t interfere with other activities I wanted to do. 


Also, she made the necessary phone calls to make sure classes were still occurring and if they were at the appropriate level for me. I had a wonderful Yoga silks class, Stretch class, and a core fitness class-on equipment I had never seen or heard of in US. Never would I have attended these classes alone, as I would be too intimidated, didn’t know how to set things up or how to communicate with the instructor. Ingrids experience, knowledge in fitness and German came in handy. I was glad not to loose my fitness level while on vacation. Thanks, Ingrid, that was invaluable. 

— Mary-Anne


Taking Ingrid on my vacation to Germany was a wonderful experience. Every morning she had researched out new and gorgeous trails to walk or run on. We walked through wine country, forests, some mountainous  terrain…. I loved pushing myself  while experiencing a new country,  language and terrain. To my surprise, many of these seemingly remote trails end up in beautiful restaurants overlooking the area just hiked.


Because she speaks the language, she also got us into some extraordinary private gyms. I experienced amazing stretch machines that I had never seen or knew existed.  All in all, I returned to US fitter than I left, lost weight, while eating all kinds of local delicacies , and with a renewed determination to stay faithful to a fitness program.  

— Annie A.

While vacationing in Encinitas last August, having indicated to Ingrid of Conciergefitness, that I wanted to do yoga on my trip, I received a very excited phone call from Ingrid. She said the morning had just the right temperature, calm waters, sunny cloudless day – would l like to do yoga on a nearby lagoon on the a paddleboard?  That is a larger surfboard. I said “sure”, not quite realizing what I had agreed to. An hour later, I find myself with about 6 other people setting the anchor in the middle of the Carlsbad lagoon for an amazing yoga experience. 


Not only was it more challenging from a balance standpoint, but I realized how stable I actually had become since starting yoga a few years ago. The memory of the stillness, beauty of the lagoon and ocean, the warm sunshine on my shoulders, will always stay with me. What an unbelievable experience.


Thank you, Ingrid for doing the legwork – reserving the space and navigating us there. 

— T.F.

Living in the Northwest, most exercise classes are held indoors. I had heard that in southern California many people exercised outside. I phoned Ingrid of Conciergefitness,  if she know of fitness classes that were held outside. I am not into Yoga or Pilates, I want a hard workout.  She said she knew just the class, A bootcamp style class held every morning at Encinitas Community Park. 


We arrived at appointed time, and what I saw I couldn’t believe, here were about 20- people working out  with more stations and equipment than I have seen in some gyms. They were working out hard, but also had fun and were clearly friends as well.  The instructor was super friendly, and treated me like an old friend he

hadn’t seen in a while!  The result is, I sweated and enjoyed myself

thoroughly getting to know some of the locals. I will definitely be back on my next trip to Encinitas. Since this is not advertised anywhere, I only found out about this thanks to Ingrid and her relationships that she has built. 

— Tom


We are a couple from Germany ,  we do CrossFit on a regular basis in Germany. We were looking for a CrossFit place here in Encinitas. The week we were here, one box had just closed and the other place weren’t open yet. So Ingrid suggested boxing. Boxing? We had never considered this as a viable workout, but, what the heck, Ingrid was so enthusiastic about it we thought we would give it a try. 


How much fun we had can not be described, we were so  sweaty, sore and tired afterwards. One of the best workouts ever! We will forever be advocating Boxing as an excellent workout for Cardio and every part of the body. We went to the Encinitas Boxing gym, where we were greeted cheerfully, like family! We will be back to do it again, only wish we had known this sooner!!!!

— Sammi & Mike


I happened to be in San Diego the one weekend in May, when the Air Force carrier Midway opens for yoga, one morning per year. What an amazing experience to take yoga with 100 plus local people, overlooking the beautiful bay of San Diego. Not only is this a beautiful place to visit, but doing yoga side by side the locals, added to the trip so much more.


Thanks Ingrid for knowing about this beautiful event! 

— Lisa


I have been doing yoga for a while and asked Ingrid if she knew of some unique yoga places around North County San Diego. She said, why not try Black Light Yoga on Friday night? I had never heard of such a thing, and my curiosity was peaked.  We attended this event at the yoga coop in Carlsbad. 


The people were so friendly and welcoming. With the lights  turned off, and only black lights  on, you could only see those who wore white, you glowed more than if you wore black of course. I loved the experience of being in a darker surrounding as I felt I could stretch more without looking stupid or embarrassed. It was great and new experience for me. Thanks Ingrid for having your ear to the ground, and finding out about this

— Tammy

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